
Year - 2018

A to Z
Z to A
00.01 from series Inner
Sara Carrillo 00.01 from series Inner Aquatint 18 x 18 cm
Hanasan #1
Wanda Listiani Hanasan #1 Digital Print 18 x 24 cm
Kalli Kalde Werefox Lithography 12 x 16 cm
”National Politics:Vultures' dinner!”
Verónica Carranza ”National Politics:Vultures' dinner!” Woodcut 16.5 x 21.5 cm
Three thousand the boundless universe. Small world
Lijia Dong Three thousand the boundless universe. Small world Drypoint / Etching 15 x 15 cm
”Inntrykk” (eng.: Impression)
Randi Kristin Morstoel Emblem ”Inntrykk” (eng.: Impression) Serigraph 25 x 16.5 cm
”L'ardente métamorphose” (”The ardent metamorphosis”)
Deborah Chapman ”L'ardente métamorphose” (”The ardent metamorphosis”) Mezzotint 21.5 x 12 cm
Blue : Rain
Paul Furneaux Blue : Rain Woodcut 17 x 24 cm
fiery waterfall
Litovko Valentine fiery waterfall Etching / Aquatint 24 x 15 cm
Megumi Horiuchi girls#2 Lithography 16 x 25 cm
Sobolevskyy Oleksiy Travel Etching 11.5 x 10.5 cm
Madoka Kiryu iris Lithography 18 x 27 cm
Women's voices I
Marisol Rojas Women's voices I Lithography 12 x 24.3 cm
Duan Haiming Darkness·spanning Mezzotint 14.5 x 19.5 cm
The Suitcase
Ingela Svensson The Suitcase Linocut / Mixed Media 18 x 20 cm
” El corazón de Tlaloc”
Alejandra Luckie ” El corazón de Tlaloc” Woodcut 10 x 15 cm